Sunday, November 1, 2009

She will be Loved (by Maroon 5)

For your yesterday, your today and your tomorrow…

“Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved…”

You were a tough cookie, I felt like I had to prove my worth before you even dared to listen to me… 

”I didn’t (don’t) mind spending everyday out on your corner in the pouring rain…”

I had to separate this from the other Maroon 5 song because it plays soundtrack to different “eras”… though after “the ending” I hated hearing this song because I related this song with you. In a lot of ways, the song is actually about you (from my perspective).

It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that (it) moves us along…know all the things that make you who you are….”

You will be loved, or should I say you are always loved, there will come a time for you to understand that sometimes it is important to affirm your feelings because it just has to be. It is not because there is something lacking but only because it has to be. Love is a lot of things, and one of which is having to understand that it can’t always be sacrificed, it can be salvaged only if. The only if’s in a relationship are countless but the minute you face them,  they become meaningless.

I wish you had known and felt courage in what we shared. 

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