Wednesday, October 21, 2009

All the things she said (by T.A.T.U)

This was at the height of questioning, in Filipino..SAKTO! Definitely screams all the feelings of love and hatred plus questions deep within.

” All the things she said, All the things she said,  running through my head, running through my head…All the things you said…”

“I’m all mixed up… they say it’s my fault but I want it so much…”

It would be denial if I don’t admit that I was angry, of course I was angry but I was more of the questioning type, kept asking, Why?Why? Why?…this song fits-to-a-tee, I could remember all the conversations, the happy times so then I would not hate her anymore and just question why, then I’d blame myself for what happened, blamed myself for believing, then cry then hate her then excuse her then hate myself, ahhh, grueling internal debate.

“…I keep asking myself, wondering why.Nobody else so we can be free…

I can try to pretend, I can try to forget…”

The really difficult part was guessing, only to end up blaming yourself because you let it be…because it could have been entirely my fault and yet I wanted it so much…

Will I ever be free, have I crossed the line?”

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